My Kind of Extra-Ordinary!

My Kind of Extra-Ordinary!

Today’s writing is inspired by a conversation with an extra-ordinary friend. I quoted another conversation I’d once had with someone when I was in my late twenties when I said: “I was not made to live an ordinary life.” I hadn’t meant it with arrogance, nor could I...
Sometimes walking away…

Sometimes walking away…

Sometimes walking away hasnothing to do with weakness, andeverything to do with strength.We walk away not because wewant others to realize our worthand value, but because we finallyrealize our...
What does love ask of us?

What does love ask of us?

What does love ask of us? Everything.Love asks us to speak up where we would be silent because we are afraid. It asks us to be silent where we would fill the stillness with empty words. Love asks us to see the other in their beauty, even when they are angry or...
Holding space to being HOME!

Holding space to being HOME!

Is it possible to say I’ve come through this transition phase? If we’re committed to a life of transformation, ongoing personal growth and consciousness, then all of life is a transition, but in other ways, the steps and actions we apply to reach certain goals and...
Living on Purpose – October 2011

Living on Purpose – October 2011

One of my inspirational people is Steve Jobs and a friend of mine shared the transcript from the speech he gave in June 2005 at Standford University. How uncanny coming from a college drop-out. We’ve honoured this man and his life as we’ve had news of his death this...

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