by Liza Stead | Oct 8, 2011 | Journal
One of my inspirational people is Steve Jobs and a friend of mine shared the transcript from the speech he gave in June 2005 at Standford University. How uncanny coming from a college drop-out. We’ve honoured this man and his life as we’ve had news of his death this...
by Liza Stead | Aug 28, 2011 | Journal
What if I live wholeheartedly and courageously get out of my own way?What if this isn’t living in limbo, but rather the first samplings of the life of simplicity I’m creating?What if it’s ok to cry, even if I’m the mother and the older sister, even if the tears...
by Liza Stead | Aug 1, 2011 | Journal
Transition is defined as “the passage from one state, stage or place to the next”, “an event that results in transformation”, or in music it’s “the passage moving from one key to another”. This made me think of the rites of passage that we transition in life… from...
by Liza Stead | May 4, 2011 | Journal
Surround yourself with people who believe in you; with positive and inspiring human beings who will lift you higher. Have you heard it said that the company you keep colours you? We all know people who drain and deplete our energy, who endlessly complain or criticize...