Retreat | Reflect | Restore
To retreat is to withdraw, or draw back. Intentionally stepping out of our usual routine; withdrawing (not running away) from the noise and demands on us. It is to be in a quiet, tranquil place where all our senses are open. And then to bring (ourselves) back to life and be replenished.
To renew; to give fresh life and strength to go back and to start again.
To bring wholehearted awareness to our moments.
Contact Liza to arrange individual, pair or couple, or group retreats. These include mindfulness teaching, formal and informal practice, wholesome meals and snacks, and time for restoration through reflection, silence and solitude in beautiful, tranquil spaces.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
MBSR 8-Week Program
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programme was developed in 1979 at the Stress Reduction Clinic at UMass Medical Centre by Jon Kabat-Zinn. We are offering this evidence-based training to you in its original form.
What is mindfulness? | You will learn to define this for yourself during the training. In essence, it involves being aware of and befriending what is happening as it is happening.
Benefits of mindfulness-based living
- Approach your life with more composure, energy, understanding and enthusiasm
- Develop the ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful situations, gaining insight into response rather than reaction
- Enhance your ability to manage discomfort and reduce pain levels
- Improve your focus, resilience and capacity to recover more quickly from challenging events
- Learn how to improve and cultivate a natural capacity to actively engage in caring for yourself and find greater balance, ease and peace of mind
Training approach | The course will be presented in person at the Living Essence Mindfulness Studio. Throughout the programme you will be consciously working with the challenges and demands of your daily life. Classes will involve formal and informal meditation practices, gentle stretching and mindful yoga and group dialogue and discussion. The workbook will guide you on daily mindfulness practices to be undertaken at home between classes. You will have an individual session with the teachers prior to the starting of the classes.
Commitment | 8 weekly 2-hour classes as well as one 4-hour Silent Retreat.
Venue | Living Essence Mindfulness Studio, 17 Cambridge Avenue, Craighall Park
Cost | R4,500 per person or R8,000 per couple. Claim back a portion of the fee from Medical Aid.
Teacher | Liza Stead – Personal Coach, Mindfulness Teacher and Retreat Facilitator. Professional member of IMISA (The Institute for Mindfulness South Africa)