Louise was introduced to REN XUE Yuan Qigong in 2014 through a work colleague and its powerful benefits immediately led her to dive deeper into the methods, theories, and principles of this comprehensive system for uplifting Life at all levels. Having taught Pilates at a senior level in Johannesburg for 14 years, she knew the way movement, breath, and mindful awareness of both, inevitably refreshed, energised, and strengthened people’s bodies ~ even brought positive change to internal states. Teaching people now to consciously craft these and other broader positive changes in their Lives, via the flowing, meditative movements and breath of Yuan Qigong is her joy and passion. Louise also co-founded the NPO REN XUE Africa in 2019 with the purpose of expanding this powerful practice and knowledge into communities and organisations in South Africa, to help bring greater harmony and a sense of personal mastery to all.
Cell phone: 083 301 6651
Email: louise@renxueafria.orgĀ